What is Diocesan Council?

Diocesan Council meets monthly to do the work of Synod in between Synods. The Administration and Finance Committee is a subcommittee of Diocesan Council which meets as needed.

What Does Council Do?

Council helps to build and support the ministry of the Diocesan community of communities in a number of ways.

  • Prayerful decision making that supports members, parishes, leaders, and the diocesan community as a whole in participating in God's mission
  • Attending to matters of concern in the Diocese's regions, and communicating items of importance between regions and Council.
  • Regional Representatives prepare written reports for each meeting of Council to summarize regional happenings, bring forward actionable items, and matters of concern


Bishop of Kootenay: The Most Rev. Dr. Lynne McNaughton
Dean of Kootenay: The Very Rev. David Tiessen
Executive Officer:  Bishop James Cowan (ex officio)

Youth Rep: 

North Okanagan Region:
Rick Pallen
Central Okanagan Region: 
Bonnie Fulton
South Okanagan Region:  
West Kootenay Region: 
Sue Basek
East Kootenay Region: 
Anne McMichael
Members at Large:
The Rev. Austin Spry, Cathy Haig, Pam Harris, Judith Karding

Clerical Secretary:  Sue Basek
Lay Secretary: 
Lyn Longair

Chancellor: Geord Holland
Vice-Chancellor & Registrar: Deborah Wiebe
Treasurer:  Sheila Nelson